Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeSPOKEN ENGLISHEnglish | Prepositional Phrases

English | Prepositional Phrases

• in hand  • on the air  • at a standstill  • by hand
• in good faith  • on average  • at liberty  • by chance 
• in general • on remand  • at the end  • by definition 
• in good condition  • on pain of  • at the outset • by heart 
• in time  • on a journey  • at length • by design
• in demand • on order • at a speed of  • by courtesy of 
• in of focus  • on oath  • at a fraction of • by force
• in an uproar • on approval • at least  • by far 
• in answer to  • on watch  • at high speed  • by coincidence 
• in anticipation of  • on an island • at one’s side  • by far
• in arrears  • on the road • at a rate of  • by nature 
• in danger  • on bail • at a sight  • by check
• in debt • on business • at all costs  • by design
• in decline • on the record • at large • by birth 
• in defense of  • on an expedition  • at risk  • by luck 
• in detail • on board • at all events • by law
• in disgrace • on schedule • at a low ebb • by appointment 
• in disguise • on account of  • at a loss  • by any standard 
• in fact  • on a spree  • at issue • by all means 
• in fairness to • on behalf of  • at a loose and  • by dint of 
• in favor of  • on balance • at the double • by accident
• in fear of  • on a regular basis  • at a guess  • by degrees
• in flower • on a pension  • at one time • by air
• in flames • on a diet  • at a glance  • by land 
• in full • on a small scale • at a distance • by all accounts 
• in future • on a large scale • at a discount  • by sea
• in gear • on a trip  • at a price • by the name of




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