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HomeENGLISH GRAMMAREnglish | Change the Voice MCQ

English | Change the Voice MCQ

Change The Voice
Choose the correct voice
1. I have been invited. (Begin with he)
    a. He invited me.
    b. He has invited me.
    c. He has been invited.
    d. He has been invite.

2. They are blaming me. (Change The Voice)
    a. I am blamed. 
    b. I am blamed by them.
    c. I am being blamed by them.
    d. I am blaming me.

 3. They are told by him. (Change The Voice)
    a. He tell me.
    b. He tells them.
    c. He told them.
    d. He is telling them.

 4. She doesn’t ask me.
    a. I am asked by her.
    b. I am not asked by her.
    c. I was not asked by her.
    d. I am asking her.

 5. They will have asked me.
    a. I will be asked by him.
    b. I will have been asked by them.
    c. I will be asked by them.
    d. I shall ask him.

 6. She may be called by me.
    a. I may call her.
    b. I may be called by her.
    c. I am calling her.
    d. I may been called.

 7. They decided to go.
   a. I decided to go.
   b. It was decided to go.
   c. It was decided by them to go.
   d. It is decided by me.

 8. They were calling me.
   a. I was being called by him.
   b. I was being call.
   c. I am being called by them.
   d. I was being called by them.

 9. She has to pass the exam.
   a. The exam has been passed.
   b. The exam has to be passed by her.
   c. She has passed the exam.
   d. She has pass the exam.

 10. We have told a lie.
  a. A lie is told by us.
  b. A lie has been told by us.
  c. A lie was told.
  d. Lies are told.

 Answer Key
1.   b. He has invited me.
2.   c. I am being blamed by them.  
3.   b. He tells them.
4.   b. I am not asked by her.
5.   b. I will have been asked by them.
6.   a. I may call her.
7.   c. It was decided by them to go.
8.   d. I was being called by them.
9.   b. The exam has to be passed by her.
10. b. A lie has been told by us.


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