Today’s inspiring thought
Focus on your career because in the end, people don’t see your heart, they see your success
Todays New words
adapt- adjust
adept- skillful
adopt- accept
accept- agree
expect-having hope
except – except
amiable- loveable
amicable- friendly
bale- bundle
bail- security
brake- vehicles brake
break- breaking something
cannon- a big gun
canon- rule
Famous idioms
- A B C– I don’t know ABC of this game
- a fair weather friend– one who leaves in adversity or remains with us in happiness
- a black sheep – a person of bad reputation
- a cock and bull story – unbelievable story
- a laughing stock- an object of ridicule
Guess for the following
the doctor who specializes in diseases of ====
column A column B
1 liver a. hematologist..
2 heart b. neurologist
3 kidney c. urologist
4 ear, nose, throat d otolaryngologist
5 brain e. pediatrician
6 skin f. podiatrist
7 blood g. psychiatrist
8. female diseases h. cardiologist
9 cancer i. dermatologist
10 eyes j. orthopedic
11 bone k. ophthalmologist
12 small kids l. gastroenterologist
13 foot m. hematologist
14 mental health n. nephrologist
15 urinary tract o. oncologist