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Home12 ENGLISH12 English All Poems -Important Questions

12 English All Poems -Important Questions

Here is a complete analysis of all poems with summary and important questions

12 English All poems Summary and Important Questions

1.Song Of the Open Road


    This poem is a beautiful mixture of self-awareness, free will and tenderness of heart. Life is a journey, along the journey of life, we learn such wisdom that can’t be learned in any school or university. The road of life teaches us mobility and self-awareness.
  In the first stanza , the poet tells us that he is ready to face the challenges of life and free to take the decision . He has healthy and free world before him. He can choose all the ways leading to every aspects. The poet strongly claims that he doesn’t expect good fortune or doesn’t believe in fortune patterns as he himself is a good fortune.
   He is away from any complaints, he never postpones any work and he doesn’t expect any help from others as he doesn’t need it.
   He is capable of tackling all sorts of problems , any obstacles and criticism or comments of the people. He doesn’t care about these.
   He mentions that the earth is sufficient for him and he is strong as well as satisfied to challenge the hurdles of life.
   The poet doesn’t believe in the pattern of astrology nor he need any stars pattern to decide his future. He thinks that these constellations are sufficient for those who need it.
 Lastly he mentions that wherever he goes, he maintains his relations which he calls delicious . He cant leave them as his life is filled with them and he wants to do something for them.

Important Questions

  1. Pick out the lines that show the carefree nature of the poet
    Ans: Following are the lines that show the carefree nature of the poet
    1. Henceforth I ask not good fortune, I myself am a good fortune
    2. Strong and content I travel the open road
    3. I do not want any constellation any nearer
    4.Done with indoor complaints, need nothing
  2. What does the poet mean by old delicious burden?
    Ans: The poets means that he cant live without his kith and kins whose memories are sweet for him. He want them with him because his life is filled with them and he wants to do something for them. He thinks that on the way of life , we should maintain relations with all as they are the part of life and we should be affectionate toward them.
  3. How does the concept of freedom expressed in the poem?
    Ans: The poet wants to lead a free life so he mentions that the world is free for me, actually he himself feels free to challenge the challenges of life. He is free from any criticism of people , from any astrological concepts or pattern. The poet feels that he doesn’t depend on anyone as he is capable of taking any decision while moving on the way of life.
  4. What does the poet say about fortune?
    Ans: The poet clearly mentions that he doesn’t believe in astrology or the constellations pattern. He thinks that he doesn’t need good fortune as he himself is a good fortune. He doesn’t need any stars to choose his life pattern , they may be helpful for others but not for him.
    In short he is away from the astrological theories or assumptions.

5 Justify the title The song of the Open Road
Ans: Here the open road signifies the decision taken in free minded state. It express the mobility of life. Life is a journey and the poet thinks that we should be ready to accept the challenges of life which is in form of journey.
The world is a healthy and free for us and we have to take our own decisions to signify life.

2.Indian Weavers 


This poem is written by Sarojini Naidu who is known as the nightingale of India.

Here the poetess has compared the three stages of life with the three times of a day. As morning for birth, evening for young or youth and midnight or death or old age.
            Here we find conversation between the poetess and the weavers.
            The poetess asked the weavers what they were weaving at sunrise happily, the garment they weaved was like the wing of king fisher blue coloured. They answered that they weave the garment of a new born child. Here morning refers to the birth, the mood is happy and colorful like the colour.
            At sunset she asks about their weaving of bright garment like the plumes of peacock, purple and green, they answer that they are weaving the marriage veil of a queen.
            At midnight the poetess asks them about their wearing white coloured garment they answer that they are weaving shroud for a dead body.

Important questions:
1]        Explain how the three phases of life compared to three times of a day.
Ans:    Here the morning refers to the birth of a man where happiness is observed. The evening refers to the middle age of life where he gets married. Midnight is referred to death or last phase of time.

2]        How does the poet use the colour of the garment to justify the theme of the poet?
    Morning is referred to birth and the colour of the garment is like the plumes of kingfisher which is blue. The event is celebrated in colorful manner.
           Evening is referred to the middle age of life where a person gets married The colour used for marriage veil is like the plumes of peacock as the event is joyous midnight is referred to death and the colour is white like a cloud .

3]        What do you think about present condition of the weavers.
  Today Indian wearers are leading a miserable life because of modern computerized design machines, people neglect their work. They are starving no one understands their plight Govt. should do something art will take last breath.

3. The Inchape Rock


                       This poem is based on the them
                             ‘As you sow , so shall you reap’

The poem is about some dangerous rocks near the coast of Scotland.The poem begins with a beautiful description of the beauty of the sea.
          The dangerous rocks were inviting death for the sailors as the ships used to dash against it inviting death for them. That’s why Abbot of Abberbrothok placed or installed a bell on it . When there was a storm, the bell would ring loudly warning the mariners about the rocks .In this way, their lives would be saved. In return, the sailors used to bless Abort for his great work.
         One day sir Ralph, the pirate was passing by the perilous rock. He robbed the people, killed them, took their precious cargo of ship and  became rich and powerful.
Seeing the beautiful sea atmosphere , he was also pleased Suddenly he saw the bell on the rock. Being jealous of Abbot’s popularity, he decided to cut the bell. Actually he was not at all concerned about the bell but evil minded people have evil ideas.
He cut the rope of the bell and the bell sank into the sea making gurgling sound.
         Being satisfied with this action, he sailed away to loot the people thinking that no one would bless the Abbot hence after.
         Over time he had looted a great wealth and was moving back to Scotland.
This time there was fog .  They couldn’t see any  thing.
         They were moving with strong winds.
       In the evening the wind stopped blowing but the ship was morning with the waves directionless. They couldn’t understand where they were. He comforted his people expecting some moon rise. He wished he could hear the Inchcape Bell which he might have forgotten that it was cut.
      Suddenly the vessel shook with a great sound. It was clear that it dashed    against the Inchcape rock.
            He cursed himself , tore his hair in nervousness . While dying, he imagined that the Devil was ringing the Bell and inviting him to Hell. His own evils paid him death.

Questions and Answers:
1]        Give reasons for the Abbot’s appreciation by the sailors?

Ans :- The sailor used to appreciate the Abbot for his great generosity and divine work. The Inchcape rock used to invite death for the sailors as the ship  would collide against the rock, many sailors lost their lives. The Abbot  Abberbrthok installed the Bell on the rock to alert the mariners during storm In this way they could save their lives.

2]        Why did the Rover cut the Bell. ?
Ans :- Sir Ralph, the rover was jealous of Abbot’s popularly as the sailor used to bless him for saving their lives as the Bell would warn them of the rock .The Ralph didn’t digest his popularity. To defame his popularity, he decided to cut the rope in jealously.

3]       What kind of mentality do you observe of Ralph?
Ans:- Here we find Ralph as a negative mentality character. He is a ill minded  person. He was a pirate who looted people for who looted people for wealth of course he is wicked minded person .He has jealously for the Abbot.
       In jealousy he cut the rope Lastly he suffered himself due to his own action.

4]        Sir Salph is named as Sir, Rover though he was a Criminal Justify.
Ans:-  Actually  ‘sir’ is a respected title but Ralph was called as sir Ralph, may be his companions called him by the name ‘Sir’, secondly he is called Rover as he moves place to place in search of robbery. That’s why sir Ralph, the rover.

5]        Pick out the imagery from the poem?
Ans:    ‘So thick haze overspreads the sky
            They cannot see the sun on high’
        Imagery means visually descriptive of figurative language in literary work.
       Imagery is a literary device used in poems , novels that uses vivid description which invites reader’s sense to create image or idea in their  imagination or mind.

4. Have You Earned Your Tomorrow


It is a philosophical poem, where a poet asks readers questions to sense their attitude and behavior. Firstly he asks whether anybody is happy because of your behavior towards him.
He expects that people should remember our words. The day is finished and day’s hard work is also finished. He expects that people should utter kind words expressed by us.. The poet as whether we welcome our friend cheerfully or just casual wish like Howdy and forget in the crowd. He expects that we should welcome our friend cheerfully.
                  People should be thankful or grateful for our deed or kind service. At night, while finishing our day, we should ask ourselves whether we helped anyone, whether a single person rejoices because of our words or deed, whether a man develops courage who was losing courage because of our words.
                 The poet asks whether we waste our day, utilize it was it well or badly spent. He again asks whether we keep the trail of kindness or mark of dissatisfaction.
             When we close our eyes at night while sleeping, God would come to us and say you have done a great divine works and you have earned one more tomorrow or great blessings.

Questions and Answers
1.      What do you learn from this poem?
Ans:  This poem teaches us great values of humanity based values. The poet advises that we should be kind towards everyone. We should use sympathetic words to others. We should respect others feelings our attitude and behavior should be always cheerful for other.

2.     What according to you, is the reason of poet’s using questions in the poem?
Ans:  Questioning makes us active. They make us thoughtful. The poet has made us thoughtful by asking questions. We intro suspect about our action and try to implement the ideas.
3.      Explain the line 
         God would say –
         ‘You have earned one more tomorrow’
Ans:  God always expect us to be a good human being with all divine qualities. When we do any good work, God always likes it. God expects that we should behave with humanity respecting others feelings. When we do it, God appreciates us by offering his blessings.

5.Father Returning to Home


In this poem, the poet expresses sorrowful or pitiable condition of some old people who suffers loneliness and isolation and leads a sorrowful life.

He describes the routine of a common man who is a commuter or regular traveler on local train. Like others, he suffers the travelling, he is tired, coming with his wet clothes muddy raincoat, bag full of books. He cuts his way with his muddy footwear.
He comes to home. He is given weak tea and state chapati. He family doesn’t care him, his children don’t respect him or shares joys or sorrows or jokes with him. He feels lonely, he goes to toilet where he thinks about his pitiable condition. After that he comes out, listen the updates on Radio. While sleeping, he thinks of his ancestors and future generations.

Question and Answers:
1.   Mention the problems faced by the future, during travelling.
Ans: a. He faces heavy crowd.
b. He comes late at night.
c. His clothes are wet.
Chappals are muddy.
d. He has to stand during the journey.

2. Write how his family treats him.
Ans: No one cares him. He is given weak tea and state Chapati.
No one takes care of his belongings.
He is not welcomed happily at home.
No one shares joys or sorrows with Him.
He has to lead lonely life.

3. What does he contemplate and why?
Ans: No one welcomes him at home.
He feels lonely. He goes toilet and contemplate
about his condition.
He feels sorry for it.
In utter sadness, he contemplates about him miserable condition.



         This poem is about influence of money. The poet mentions that when he had money, he didn’t have happiness.
The poet mentions that when he had money, he didn’t have happiness. He mentioned it very clearly that many false friends came to him due to influence of his richness.
He compares himself to that child who has a trumpet but can’t blow as someone is dead. He means that he had money but couldn’t have happiness.
He was afraid that his friends would chat him calling themselves as his friends. He has observed the life very carefully and experienced that poor men’s heart are very light or happy. Their wives are very happy and their wives hurry like bees. They work day night but remain happy.
The poet mentions that poor people always laugh with happiness whereas the rich ones have always sorrowful faces.
He thinks that poor people should not be rich or they will lose happiness but rich people should became poor to experience happiness.
When he had money, all his friends proved untrue, now he has money, friends are few but they are true.
Questions and Answers

1. Why according to the poet shouldn’t the poor became rich?
Ans: According to the poet, the poor shouldn’t become rich because once they become rich, they will be surrounded by false friends. They can’t enjoy true happiness. Their life will be sorrowful. They can’t experience true happiness as he experience when he was rich.

2. Write reasons for the following expressions+
a. I knew no joy till I went poor.
Ans: The poet means that when he had money, he was surrounded by false friends. There were many friends but they were false. When he became poor, he realized true happiness as false friends disappeared.

3. Why does the poet mentions that – poor men need not go up so much as rich men should came down?
Ans: He says that poor men should not go up to became rich because once they became rich, they will lose taste of true happiness. They will be surrounded by untrue friends Rich people should become poor to experience true happiness or true friends.

4. Do you agree with the poet’s view about money? Why?
Ans: I partially agree with the poet’s view regarding money. it may no be applicable for everyone. It is true money invites false friends. We shall be busy in money affair but if we mange it properly the pattern of money we can enjoy true sense of money.

7  She walks in Beauty

Here the poet praises the beauty of an unnamed woman who is extremely beautiful. He doesn’t tell her name. He feels her beauty with severe mind and innocent heart.
              He compares her beauty to a cloudless stary sky and it is a perfect combination of dark and light colour.
               Her complexion feature, and eyes are very beautiful in tender light but during day time, the beauty won’t be experienced.
              The color combination is so perfect that one shade less or one shade more can’t be appropriate. The dark beautiful hair moving along the face is full of sweet and serece appearance.
Her thoughts are serene and surely her heart is pure and innocent.
There is a perfect combination of her cheek, the brow, her skin colour which make her very beautiful.
She is not only extremely beautiful but her heart and mind are equally graceful where the mind is peaceful and her love is innocent.

8.Small Towns and Rivers
The poetess Mamang Dal is from Arunachal Pradesh. Her poems are dedicated to nature’s beauty, mountains, rivers and forests.
Here the poet describes her regions beauty where river is the greatest factor. The poet begins with the concept of death. She mentions that birth and death are regular but rituals are permanent. Her hometown lies calmly amdist the trees. It is same in every seasons with the dust flying or wind howling down the gorge. She feels that the river is polluted. She feels that river should be clean where stars should be reflected and fish can live.
The river has a soul. IT has a certain life cycle. It moves with a great force comes down with drops of rain and again meet the ground in the form of rain.
The poet becomes nostalgic, recalls her past childhood. She is worried about the future where she dreams destruction. The dead bodies are placed in the west and it is assumed that souls will rise to the east, towards the sun.
In the last the poet mentions that life moves among cool bamboo around small towns in the warm sunlight. She expects life with God with His nature.
Questions and answers:
1. Justify the line
“The river has a soul.”
Ans: It means that river is a gift given by god to all the nature and is a blessing for all living things.
It flows with a free like our emotions. It has a breath like us, but sometimes its breath is choked with pollution. It gives life to others. Here the river is personalized.
2. Make a list of natural elements mentioned in the poem.
Ans: Here are some natural elements mentioned in the poem –
Seasons like winter, summer, wind, land, trees, forests, rivers, stars, etc.
3. Explain the line
The dead are placed pointing West.
Ans: It is a belief in Arunachal Pradesh that soul of the dead person moves to the sun.
That’s why dead bodies are place with feel pointing to the west so that the soul of the dead may enter the kingdom of the sun.
4. Explain the feelings of the poet throughout the poem.
Ans: Actually the poet respects the natural beauty of her hometown. She is proud of it but she feels that we are spoiling this beautiful nature by polluting it she hates the modernization of towns. She feels that forests river should be preserved. They are like God for us.




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