1. The season mentioned her is ________________ (The Inchape Rock)
2. Her sails from heaven received no motion.
Here the word ‘her’ is used for _______________________
3. _______________ would bless the Abbot.
4. The poet Edgar Guest is known as __________________
5. Her ________________________ questions are asked.
6. It’s toiling time is through.
Here the figure of speech is ______________________
7. Which American word is used for greeting in the poem
“Have you earned your tomorrow?” _____________________
8. The poet of ‘She Walks In Beauty’ is _____________________
9. Here dwelling place refers to ___________________________
10. The bird mentioned in ‘She Walks In Beauty’ is _________________
1. Spring
2. Ship
3. Mariners or Sailors
4. People’s Poet
5. People’s Poet (Eleven)
6. Alliteration
7. Howdy
8. Lord Byron
9. Heart or Mind
10. Raven or Crow